Happy Juneteenth!

Juneteenth a holiday that I heard in passing as a child. Where I grew up, I heard about and celebrated many "black holidays" without knowing the true meaning of them. If you're from Los Angeles, CA and live in close proximity to Leimert Park, you have more than likely celebrated or been exposed to a…

Get uncomfortable.

George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Atatiana Jefferson, Botham Jean, Stephon Clark, Philando Castile, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Akai Gurley, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and countless others that did not make the news or have enough presence on social media lost their lives by the hands or weapons of current or former police officers. I…

The boy

Oh my...it feels so good to be sitting in front of this computer and typing. I've been taking a little time to be alone with my thoughts, figuring out what has been going on with me. I get into these little moments when I get quiet because the things that are on my mind are…

Lessons from my Father

I needed a little break from writing. My energy has been so off lately. Not sure if it was the new moon or bad vibes, but I haven't been in a good space.  I think I was a bit off because I've been doing this whole adult thing. Oh my word, no one tells you…

Racism aside, everything is going well

I've decided to let last week go. Anger is a terrible thing, especially when you volunteer in the class of the little kid who just hurt your child. You can't trip him. You can't give him dirty looks. All you can do is be an adult and sometimes being an adult sucks; however, time waits…

Results of Heartbreak

Well... I didn't think I would make it through this week. I know it's only Wednesday, but I feel like I've lived 7 days in three. I've dealt with so many varying emotions that everyday since Saturday I found myself crying. My baby girl was hurt was all that kept reoccurring in my mind. I…


My husband and I were naive. We thought we could move anywhere the Army sent us, find a home in a good school district, and go on about our business like most Americans. We thought our children would flourish regardless of race or racism. We thought that if anything, our children would not have to…

Season of being the Volunteer Mom

Every Monday and Tuesday I volunteer at my children's school. I am both happy and sad to have reached this point in motherhood. My children are old enough to get themselves dressed, poorly brush their teeth, and use the bathroom without me being involved. I've reached the promise land! The promise land comes with new…